Open post Marketing in a cookieless world

Marketing in a cookieless world

Google has stated that it will eliminate third-party cookies by 2023. Google's announcement will have a huge impact on the marketing industries and make them move to a cookieless future. To maintain their sales, 44 percent of marketers plan to increase their spending by 5-25 percent. Marketing without Third-Party Cookies While your devices don't always...

Open post Connecting online with offline for retail

Connecting online with offline for retail

In a world that is increasingly driven by online technology, it is easy to forget the importance of connecting online with offline for creating the best possible customer experience. For retail businesses, this connection is essential to success. There are a number of reasons why connecting online with offline is important for retail businesses. Customer...

Open post apples-app-tracking-transparency-may-not-be-strong-enough

Apple’s App Tracking Transparency may not be strong enough

Apple introduced App Tracking Transparency last year which prohibits app developers from tracking users' activity across different apps without their explicit consent. Privacy advocates applauded the initiative. Facebook warned that it would bring down targeted advertising companies. Research published last week shows that App Tracking Transparency does not always prevent the collection of surreptitious personal...

Open post Podcast engagement is booming - Female listeners are driving growth

Podcast engagement is booming – Female listeners are driving growth

It is well-documented that new content options like podcasts have been appealing to consumers throughout the pandemic and are still gaining mainstream popularity. This is due to the growing number of podcast listeners, both in multicultural and older age groups. Light podcast listeners make up almost half of all podcast listeners today (49%) and data...

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