Social media has given companies new ways to connect with customers. You can now connect with customers in real-time, monitor what your customers are saying, thinking, feeling, doing at any moment. This allows you to modify the messages and actions that your company is sending according the context of you customers. That’s the theory. But...
Author: Martin Treiber
Cloud and Edge: finding the right Balance
Germany has been a country of cloud skeptics for many years. In 2016, only 17 percent of participants in the annual “Cloud Monitor” study said that the adoption of cloud computing was not an issue. More than half also rejected the public cloud delivery model. The mood has completely changed since then: In 2021, only...
DuckDuckGo introdudes a new function to prevent app tracking on Android
Apple’s introduction of App Tracking Transparency Tools shook the advertising industry to the core. iPhone and iPad owners can now block apps from using their data to personalize advertising and track their behavior. The revenues of Snap and Meta Platform’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been reduced by almost $10 billion since the launch of...
How to Survive the Cookie Apocalypse
Google announced in August 2019 that it would be getting rid of third party cookies. This refers to any cross-website tracking, or ad tech used to store user information in order to create targeted advertisements when a user visits your site. This is commonly known Cookie Apocalypse, since ad-tech companies rely on third-party cookies as...
What are the Pros and Cons of Remote Work?
The Polite Way To Ask Friends And Family For Help Funding Your Business Idea
So you’ve got a million-dollar business idea? That’s great! But there’s still a whole lot of hard work to be done before your initial business concept will indeed start coming to life. A lot of that hard work will be during the initial startup phase of your business, which is when many entrepreneurs struggle to...
The complete Guide to Serverless vs Containers
As with many of the cloud app development trends, Serverless Computing as well as Containers are widely discussed and talked about by developers. Serverless was created to be an alternative to containerization. Others feel serverless can be used in conjunction with containers for application deployment. Serverless and Containerization are not only different in terms of...
Transfer Learning – Small Data with big Effects
For many people artificial intelligence is synonymous with big data. This is because large data sets are the foundation of some of the most important AI breakthroughs over the past decade. ImageNet is a data set that contains millions of images, each hand-sorted into thousands of categories. Image classification has made huge strides since the...
The Mythical Man-Month
Fred Brooks was a manager at IBM. He wrote The Mythical Man-Month in 1975 after being assigned to manage the development of OS/360, the company’s first operating system, in March of 1969. The book has sold over 1.2 million copies. The Mythical Man-Month is based on his experiences managing the OS/360 project. The book was...
What is Prompt Engineering?
Prompt engineering or prompt programming is an interesting way to interact with GPT-3. It basically involves creating clever text-based scripts that make GPT-3 perform the tasks you desire. What is GPT3? GPT-3 is a language model by OpenAI. It generates AI-written text which can be virtually indistinguishable to human-written sentences and paragraphs, articles, short stories...