Open post DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo introdudes a new function to prevent app tracking on Android

Apple’s introduction of App Tracking Transparency Tools shook the advertising industry to the core. iPhone and iPad owners can now block apps from using their data to personalize advertising and track their behavior. The revenues of Snap and Meta Platform’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been reduced by almost $10 billion since the launch of...

Open post Serverless Computing

The complete Guide to Serverless vs Containers

As with many of the cloud app development trends, Serverless Computing as well as Containers are widely discussed and talked about by developers. Serverless was created to be an alternative to containerization. Others feel serverless can be used in conjunction with containers for application deployment. Serverless and Containerization are not only different in terms of...

Open post The Mythical Man-Month

The Mythical Man-Month

Fred Brooks was a manager at IBM. He wrote The Mythical Man-Month in 1975 after being assigned to manage the development of OS/360, the company’s first operating system, in March of 1969. The book has sold over 1.2 million copies. The Mythical Man-Month is based on his experiences managing the OS/360 project. The book was...

Open post Prompt Engineering

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering or prompt programming is an interesting way to interact with GPT-3. It basically involves creating clever text-based scripts that make GPT-3 perform the tasks you desire. What is GPT3? GPT-3 is a language model by OpenAI. It generates AI-written text which can be virtually indistinguishable to human-written sentences and paragraphs, articles, short stories...

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