Open post Voice

Use Your Voice

Voice interfaces have been around for quite some time now. It started in the early 1950s with “Audrey” that could recognize numbers. Over the years, systems became more and more powerful, and in 2011 Apple brought Siri to the mobile phone mass market. A short and incomplete history In the history of voice interfaces, there...

Open post Maintanence

Why does software need maintanence?

This post is from Oliver Dixon and originally appeared on the Polydelic blog After delivering a fantastic platform, many folks think that’s it. Fraid not. You see, those platforms need to be maintained! But why? In the development world, the software is continually updating. Software is made of thousands of individual libraries and frameworks. Those...

Open post Digitalisierungsprojekt

Mit KMU.DIGITAL zum geförderten Digitalisierungsprojekt

Das Förderprogramm KMU.DIGITAL fördert Ihr Digitalisierungsprojekt mit bis zu 9.000€ in insgesamt drei Stufen (Potentialanalyse, Strategieberatung, Umsetzung). Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer werden so schrittweise zu einer Digitalisierungsstrategie für den eigenen Betrieb herangeführt. Toolbox 1: Potentialanalyse – Was ändern? Mit der Potentialanalyse werden digitale Trends, Chancen und Risiken für das eigene Unternehmen systematisch analysiert. Diese Analyse stellt...

Open post MIT

Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs-Partnerschaft mit der snabble GmbH

Bonn, Leobendorf, 24.3.2021. Wir freuen uns, eine Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs-Partnerschaft mit der snabble GmbH bekannt geben zu können. Snabble ist der Experte im Bereich des mobilen Self-Checkouts und verfügt über langjährige Erfahrungen mit Kunden verschiedener Branchen – von Baumärkten über Drogeriemärkte hin zum Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Namhafte Kunden wie IKEA, Edeka und toom konnte Snabble bereits von...

Open post Assistants

Hey Siri, Morawa Bestseller

Voice Assistants like Siri or Alexa are much more than just the cool, often female, voices that respond to verbal requests on smartphones or on smart speakers. They are a touchpoint between your customer and your business. For those who are loyal to the Apple ecosystem, Siri is the assistant of choice: it comes preinstalled...

Open post Infrastructure

App as a Infrastructure

The Clubhouse hype has an interesting side effect: there are third parties popping up and offer services on top of the app. This trend has been observed by Dani Grant and Nick Grossman at Union Square Ventures several years ago. Their hypothesis in a nutshell: apps are there first and then comes the infrastructure. This...

Open post Live Music

Live Music on Clubhouse

Clubhouse has taken some of the online world in storm. The hype started last year in the US and has now reached Europe. Fueled by stories of celebrities like Elon Musk that held court on the platform and an invitation-only registration policy for the platform, people were eager to get in. There are many business...

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