Open post Private

Keeping your Online Data Private in 2021

The coronavirus pandemic struck in 2020 and it resulted in several entities relying heavily on the internet. The effects of COVID-19 have spilled into 2021 with social distancing techniques still in play. Since almost everyone is using the internet nowadays, some problems have arisen. Controversies Surrounding Online Privacy The most important one is the issue...

Open post Clubhouse


Clubhouse is the latest app hype. The app is what is known as proximity chat where you can talk with all kind of people. Getting in is not that easy, because you can only join by invitation and only if you have an iPhone, no Android users can become members so far. Anyone who has...

Was ist die beste Messenger Alternative für Medien?

Die angekündigte Änderung der Datenschutzbestimmungen von WhatsApp hat zu einem Exodus der Benutzer zu alternativen Messengerplattformen geführt. Das is keine Überraschung, da WhatsApps Mutterunternehmen Facebook an Daten und deren Verwertung interessiert ist. Faceboook hat dies in der jüngsten Vergangenheit getan, als sie Unternehmen gezwungen haben, ihre WhatsApp Business-API zu verwenden. Im Gegenzug gaben viele Unternehmen...

Open post The power of experiments

The Power of Experiments

Have you logged into Facebook recently? Searched for something on Google? Chosen a movie on Netflix? If so, you’ve probably been an unwitting participant in a variety of experiments also known as randomized controlled trials designed to test the impact of different online experiences. Once an esoteric tool for academic research, the randomized controlled trial...

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