John Gruber from Daring Fireball gives a very good description of how online ad tracking would work in the physical world: Imagine if you were out shopping, went into a drug store, examined a few bottles of sunscreen, but left the store without purchasing anything. And then immediately a stranger approached you with an offer...
Author: Martin Treiber
iOS 14 privacy settings will tank ad targeting business, Facebook warns | Ars Technica
cache hit 1167:single/related:d5f16d9fcf20b60755becc1a3f964ce4 empThe imminent changes of the privacy settings of the iOS 14 will severely limit Facebook’s ability to track users’ activity across their app ecosystem and the Internet as a whole using the IDFA. Ultimately, this will prevent Facebook from showing targeted ads to users inside other, non-Facebook apps on iPhones. In a...
Subscription or no subscription?
Subscription or no subscription? Companies selling Apps face a tough decision. One one hand, customers don’t like to add another monthly subscription, because they already have so many. They question if an App subscription is really worth it, even if it’s only a few dollars. On the other hand, App developers simply need to finance...
Facebook begins merging Instagram and Messenger chats in new update
Facebook has started the “big merge” of their messaging platforms. It has rolled out a new feature on Instagram that allows users to chat with their friends on Facebook. The overall goal is to unify the messaging platforms of its hugely popular apps to allow cross-messaging among Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. It remains to be...
Does advertising without tracking cookies work?
Imagine a web without tracking cookies. Wouldn’t that be nice? You might argue that this isn’t feasible, because for all those nice free content and services, ads need to be very efficient to generate the highest possible click through rate. Ad tech companies like Google or Facebook, argue that microtargeting is the solution for publishers...
ITEA3 PO Days 2020 – Ephemeral Computing Service Platform
We’re participating at this year’s ITEA Project Outline Preparation Days with a project idea centered around ephemeral computing. In fact, the working title of our proposal is Ephemeral Computing Service Platform (ECSP, pronounced XP) and we hope to attract partners from the ITEA community and maybe even beyond. Usually, the ITEA PO Days are a...
Intel, MIT and Georgia Tech Improve Machine-Programming Code Similarity System
A team of researchers from Intel, MIT and Georgia Tech has published a tool that has the potential of helping developers to write code automatically. The tool, called machine inferred code similarity – or MISIM for short – is able to get the intends of pieces of code. It does so by “looking” at the...
Apple demands cut from Airbnb and ClassPass
Apple has demanded to take a 30% cut of sales made in the apps of Airbnb and ClassPass for virtual experiences. ClassPass provides a booking service for classes at local gyms. But due to the global situation, gyms were forced to offer virtual classes instead and ClassPass went on passing 100 percent of sales directly...
How much revenue does an App generate?
An app costs money, no question. But how much revenue does an app generate? When does it pay off to make your own app? The example of the book trade clearly shows the actual value of an app. We use sales per user as a comparison metric and compare different platforms: App: 33 € /...
Was bringt eine App an Umsatz?
Eine App kostet Geld, keine Frage. Aber was bringt eine App überhaupt an Umsatz? Ab wann zahlt es sich aus, auf eine eigene App zu setzen? Am Beispiel des Buchhandels kann man deutlich den tatsächlichen Wert einer App erkennen. Als Vergleichsmetrik verwenden wir Umsatz pro User und vergleichen die unterschiedlichen Plattformen miteinander: App: 33 €...