With the help of WKO Lower Austria you can take advantage of free IKANGAI consulting. It works like this: YOU pay your contribution fee for 2020. YOU invest 1½ times this amount in a short consultation from IKANGAI. YOU get max. 100% of your WKO fee + 50% bonus refunded. What do you get from...
Author: Martin Treiber
Kostenlose Kurzberatung
Mit Hilfe der WKO Niederösterreich können Sie eine IKANGAI Kurzberatung kostenlos in Anspruch nehmen. Das funktioniert so: SIE zahlen die Grundumlage 2020 laut Vorschreibung ein. SIE investieren das 1 ½-fache dieser Summe in eine Kurzberatung von IKANGAI. SIE bekommen dafür max. 100% Ihrer Grundumlage +50% Bonus rückerstattet. Was bekommen Sie im Rahmen der Kurzberatung von uns? Sie erhalten...
What are the advantages of having your own app?
Many businesses do not (yet) have their own app. Why bother if you can use existing platforms for many aspects of communicating with customers? The answer is simple: your own app is your own TV station. As a businesses, you determine what your customers see. There is no competition and your customers are not distracted...
Was sind die Vorteile einer eigenen App?
Eine eigene App ist für viele Unternehmen (noch) kein Thema. Wozu auch sich die Mühe machen, wenn man für viele Aspekete der Kommunikation mit Kunden bestehende Plattformen nutzen kann? Die Antwort ist einfach: eine eigene App ist der eigene Fernsehsender. Als Unternehmen bestimmen Sie, was Ihre Kunden zu Gesicht bekommen. Es gibt keine Konkurrenz und Ihre...
Is Apple Killing A Billion-Dollar Ad Industry With A Popup?
The focus on Apple’s WWDC 2020 Keynote was on the next iterations of iOS, mac OS Big Sur and of course Apple Silicon. From the perspective of advertisement agencies, there was a specific feature that made them – let’s say – uneasy. It’s a new iOS 14 privacy-feature that requires active opting-in from users. Starting...
Prepare for Artificial Intelligence to Produce Less Wizardry | WIRED
It has become very expensive to train modern networks; in fact it has become so expensive, that some companies are choosing not to use AI methods at all. A new research paper by Neil Thompson et. al. argues that it is, or will soon be, impossible to keep increasing computational power at rate needed to...
AI Ethics Reading | AI Truth.org
If you want to take a deep dive into AI and ethics, go to AI Ethics Reading | AI Truth.org for an overview of critical surveys, papers, books from AI experts. It’s definitely worth checking out :-). Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash
Uncovered: 1,000 phrases that incorrectly trigger Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant | Ars Technica
If you are a user of Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant you’re familiar with “false alarms”. You just utter a completely innocent phrase and suddenly one of these voice assistants springs into action. This can be funny sometimes, but has become quite a privacy issue. Researches managed to produce a list of more than 1.000...
How much does an app cost?
The answer is of course: “it depends”. This is certainly way too vague from a business perspective. To give you a ballpark estimation what app can cost, here’s a list of famous startups that got seed money to implement their ideas with apps: Uber: $200.000 Instagram: $500.000 Tinder: $485.000 Postmates: $750.000 Snap: 485.000$ Note that...
Mark Zuckerberg on taking his massive workforce remote – The Verge
COVID-19 has changed the way we work – for some maybe even for good. Facebook was among the first big tech companies that canceled all physical meetings, not only for this year, but until 2021. Now, Mark Zuckerberg is contemplating that Facebook might become a largely remote working company within a decade or so. Their...