If you want to take a deep dive into AI and ethics, go to AI Ethics Reading | AI Truth.org for an overview of critical surveys, papers, books from AI experts. It’s definitely worth checking out :-). Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash
Author: Martin Treiber
Uncovered: 1,000 phrases that incorrectly trigger Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant | Ars Technica
If you are a user of Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant you’re familiar with “false alarms”. You just utter a completely innocent phrase and suddenly one of these voice assistants springs into action. This can be funny sometimes, but has become quite a privacy issue. Researches managed to produce a list of more than 1.000...
How much does an app cost?
The answer is of course: “it depends”. This is certainly way too vague from a business perspective. To give you a ballpark estimation what app can cost, here’s a list of famous startups that got seed money to implement their ideas with apps: Uber: $200.000 Instagram: $500.000 Tinder: $485.000 Postmates: $750.000 Snap: 485.000$ Note that...
Mark Zuckerberg on taking his massive workforce remote – The Verge
COVID-19 has changed the way we work – for some maybe even for good. Facebook was among the first big tech companies that canceled all physical meetings, not only for this year, but until 2021. Now, Mark Zuckerberg is contemplating that Facebook might become a largely remote working company within a decade or so. Their...
Startups und Corona
Startup Insider liefert wöchentliche Infos als Podcast über die deutsche Startup- und Gründerszene. Zwei Episoden pro Woche lieferen Interessierten Inspirationen für Startups und Gründer. Dem Auftakt macht ein Podcast zum Thema Corona und wie Startups diese Krise meistern. Was sind die ersten Learnings aus der Krise? Welche Maßnahmen funktionieren und helfen jungen Unternehmen? Hier geht...
Nearly a Million WP Sites Targeted in Large-Scale Attacks
If you have a WordPress page, you should check the status of your installtion right away. Because there was a massive attempt of a hacker group to capture more than 900.000 pages. Hackers tried to insert malicious JavaScript Code into WordPress pages that diverts visitors to manipulated webpages. They also scanned for admin logins to...
Jetzt ist es Zeit für die digitale Transformation Ihres Unternehmens
Jetzt ist es Zeit um die digitale Transformation Ihres Unternehmens zu starten. Wenn uns COVID19 etwas gelehrt hat, dann das, dass Unternehmen einen digitalen Kanal zwingend benötigen, um mit Kunden in Kontakt zu bleiben. Wenn es Ihre Services zulassen, sollten Sie diese auch über einen digitalen Kanal bereitstellen oder ergänzen. Es fängt mit einer einfachen...
Now Is the Time for Main Street Shops to Go Digital | WIRED
Now Is the Time for Main Street Shops to Go Digital. The heading says it all. If COVID19 has taught us anything, it’s that businesses need a digital channel to stay in touch with their customers. And, if their services allow it, deliver their services through a digital channel. This starts with a simple website,...
Could the Coronavirus Kill Influencer Culture? | WIRED
The coronavirus pandemic has far-reaching economic consequences for businesses. In order to survive, many businesses cut their advertising and marketing budgets. This is has obvious impact on the media industry at large, from big media outlets to small one person operations. Especially hard hit are those who are often called “influencers”. They see their sponsorship...
So werden eure Online-Meetings ein Erfolg! | stimpfl.com
Unser Partner Franz Stimpfl bringt es auf den Punkt: so werden Online-Meetings zum Erfolg: In den letzten Wochen haben wir alle vermehrt auf Online-Meetings gesetzt und diese, teilweise auch zum ersten Mal, mehrmals täglich verwendet. Ich möchte euch in diesem Beitrag mit fünf einfachen Tipps eine kleine Hilfestellung geben, damit ihr auch in Zukunft erfolgreiche...