A now deleted tweet by a developer triggered a number of blog posts and articles claiming that Russians were involved (FaceApp’s developers are based in Russia), and that the app was uploading your photos to servers in countries that you’d rather not like to see your data stored. This is a reminder how trust is...
Author: Martin Treiber
Why your App is no replacement for WhatsApp newsletters
The WhatsApp newsletter ban has huge impact on businesses. While some businesses will just abandon their WhatsApp audience, others will try to convert users into their apps. This might work for some users, but there are several reasons this might not work very well: Users value the WhatsApp newsletter style. It gives them quick access...
Fünf Gründe warum Sie Ihre WhatsApp-Newsletter-User nicht aufgeben sollten
Nachdem WhatsApp die Newsletter-Dienste mit Dezember untersagt, sehen sich Unternehmen mit einer schwierigen Entscheidung konfrontiert. Was tun mit den WhatsApp-Newsletter-Usern? Einige Unternehmen werden einfach nur sprichwörtlich mit den Schultern zucken und zu einer anderen Social-Media-Plattform wechseln. Aber Ihre WhatsApp-Newsletter-User sind besonders: sie bevorzugen eine komprimierte Infoübersicht und schätzen den direkten Zugriff auf Informationen und Services....
Five reasons not to abandon your WhatsApp newsletter audience
After WhatsApp basically killed newsletter services, companies face a difficult situation in dealing with it. Some companies will just shrug and move on to another social media platform. However, your WhatsApp newsletter audience is special: they prefer a condensed info overview and value the direct access to information and services. Now simply abandoning your WhatsApp...
DeepMind’s Losses and the Future of Artificial Intelligence | WIRED
If you look at AI from a purely business point of view, Alphabet’s DeepMind last year’s loss of $572 million should make you worry. Especially, when considering the rising magnitude of DeepMind’s losses: $154 million in 2016, $341 million in 2017 and $572 million in 2018. Basically, you need to have really deep pockets to...
Activity-Centric Computing Systems | August 2019 | Communications of the ACM
The Activity Centric Computing paradigm adresses information management challenges that at the core of the application centric computing paradigm. Activity-Centric Computing Systems from CACM on Vimeo. Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels Source: Activity-Centric Computing Systems | August 2019 | Communications of the ACM
Council Post: 12 Business Use Cases For Edge Computing
EDGE computing is a ongoing trend for some time now. Forbes discusses 12 use cases where EDGE computing shines: from customer experience in retail to the Internet of Things, Smart buildings and AR. Source: Council Post: 12 Business Use Cases For Edge Computing Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels
Summer Reads | Edge.org
This year’s EDGE.ORG summer reading tips, consisting of the published books by members of the Edge community in the past year or so. Check it out! Source: Summer Reads | Edge.org Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
How to replace WhatsApp (from Facebook) Newsletters?
The upcoming renaming of WhatsApp in WhatsApp from Facebook sets the tone for the near future of WhatsApp. There are many indications that there will be a common platform with Facebook. Changes to the terms and conditions and their possible effects can only be speculated, but there will certainly be changes. A taste of changes...
Wie ersetzt man WhatsApp (from Facebook) Newsletter?
Die bevorstehende Umbennenung vom WhatsApp in WhatsApp from Facebook gibt die Richtung vor, in welche sich WhatsApp wohl in naher Zukunft entwicklen wird. Vieles deutet darauf hin, dass es eine gemeinsame Plattform geben wird. Über Änderungen an den AGBs und deren mögliche Auswirkungen kann nur spekuliert werden, aber es wird sicherlich Änderungen geben. Ein möglicher...