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Introducing ACADRON

Our former SOLOMON colleague Özgün Algin has started his own ompany called ACADRON – The focus of ACADRON is project consulting and the management of innovative research and development projects. They have a network of innovative SMEs and industrial companies with strong R&D capabilities in the Information and Communication Technologies field. The company’s portfolio...

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WhatsApp Newsletter Ersatz mit Kostenkontrolle

Konfrontiert mit dem Ende von WhatsApp-Newslettern beginnen Unternehmen aktiv um Alternativen umzusehen. Das ist nicht ganz trivial, da WhatsApp-Newsletter bedingt durch die Marktmacht von WhatsApp ein enorm wertvolles Tool für die Kundenaktivierung waren. Die von WhatsApp angebotene Alternative ist kostenintensiv: pro Nachricht werden mehrere Cent verrechnet. Das summiert sich bei großen Newslettern mit mehreren tausend...

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What Western media got wrong about China’s social credit system | Public Radio International

A nuanced look on China’s social credit system. While some of the reports in western media were exaggerated, the overall outlook to acutally implement a centralized Orwellian-like surveillance system is nevertheless grim. Currently, the internet is highly censored, cell phone numbers and online activity are assigned a unique ID number which is tied to a...

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Apple contractors ‘regularly hear confidential details’ on Siri recordings | The Guardian

Apple has positioned itself as company that respects the privacy of their users. However, as The Guardian reports, Apple’s contractors have access to a certain percentage of all Siri-recordings. They regularly listen to confidential conversations of users, like drug deals, discussions about medical details and to even people having sex. Source: Apple contractors ‘regularly hear...

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Der WhatsApp Newsletter Ersatz

WhatsApp Newsletter sind sehr populär und werden von vielen Unternehmen eingesetzt. So nutzen im öffentlichen Bereich Gemeinden diesen Kanal um ihre Bürger über Neuigkeiten zu informieren, Vereine halten ihre Mitglieder und Fans auf dem Laufenden und auch politische Parteien kommunizieren mit Mitgliedern. Die direkte Kommunikation und Erreichbarkeit von Kunden machen diesen Kanal sehr attraktiv. Nun...

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Replacing WhatsApp Newsletters

WhatsApp newsletters are very popular and used by many companies and communities alike. Communities use this channel to inform their citizens about news, clubs keep their members up to date and also political parties communicate with their members. The direct reach of customers make this channel very attractive. However, WhatsApp bans their use on December...

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