The Guardian review of the new Nextflix documentary “The Great Hack“. Our recommendation? Watch it. It’s a must see. Source: The Great Hack review – searing exposé of the Cambridge Analytica scandal | Film | The Guardian Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels
Author: Martin Treiber
Apple contractors ‘regularly hear confidential details’ on Siri recordings | The Guardian
Apple has positioned itself as company that respects the privacy of their users. However, as The Guardian reports, Apple’s contractors have access to a certain percentage of all Siri-recordings. They regularly listen to confidential conversations of users, like drug deals, discussions about medical details and to even people having sex. Source: Apple contractors ‘regularly hear...
Der WhatsApp Newsletter Ersatz
WhatsApp Newsletter sind sehr populär und werden von vielen Unternehmen eingesetzt. So nutzen im öffentlichen Bereich Gemeinden diesen Kanal um ihre Bürger über Neuigkeiten zu informieren, Vereine halten ihre Mitglieder und Fans auf dem Laufenden und auch politische Parteien kommunizieren mit Mitgliedern. Die direkte Kommunikation und Erreichbarkeit von Kunden machen diesen Kanal sehr attraktiv. Nun...
Replacing WhatsApp Newsletters
WhatsApp newsletters are very popular and used by many companies and communities alike. Communities use this channel to inform their citizens about news, clubs keep their members up to date and also political parties communicate with their members. The direct reach of customers make this channel very attractive. However, WhatsApp bans their use on December...
Instagram is extending its public like removing trials
Instagram is testing the removal of visible likes in six more countries. They include Ireland, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand. In these countries only the uploaders will see how many likes their pictures received. This has of course impact on influencers: the days of counting likes as a measure of publicity are commming...
Christopher Columbus Kraft, NASA’s legendary flight director, has died | Ars Technica
Christopher Columbus Kraft Jr. has died at the age of 95. He was one of NASA’s founding engineers, its first flight director, and a key architect of the Apollo and space shuttle programs. ArsTechnica interviewed him in 2017 for a mini series on the Apollo program. Listing image by Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of...
Das Ende von WhatsApp Newslettern
WhatsApp zieht den Stecker für die kommerzielle Nutzung von WhatsApp für Newsletter-Services. Bisher hat Facebook WhatsApp-Newsletter geduldet, wenn sie bestimmten Regeln entsprachen und über zertifizierte Partner versandt wurden. Nach der Facebook-Ankündigung bei auf der Google News Spirit ist dies jedoch nicht mehr der Fall. Ab dem 7. Dezember 2019 wird der Newsletter-Versand von WhatsApp offiziell...
The End of WhatsApp Newsletters
WhatsApp pulls the plug for the commercial use of WhatsApp newsletters. This comes as a surprise to many. Until now Facebook has tolerated WhatsApp newsletters if they followed certain rules and were sent through certified partners. However, after the Facebook announcement at Google News Spirit this won’t be the case anymore. Starting December 7th 2019,...
Wie das größte dezentrale soziale Netzwerk mit seinem NS-Problem umgeht – The Verge
Nach der Migration des Neonazi-Netzwerks Gab zu Mastodon sicht sich das alternative Social-Media-Netzwerk mit dem Problem der “Internet-Nazis” umzugehen. Die verteilte Natur des Netzwerks (Verbandes) macht es fast unmöglich, mit einer einzigen Strategie zu reagieren. Stattdessen haben einzelne Instanzen, wie die Knoten des Netzwerks genannt werden, unterschiedliche Maßnahmen ergriffen. Zum Beispiel wurde Gab von einzelnen...
How the biggest decentralized social network is dealing with its Nazi problem – The Verge
After the neo nazi network Gab migrated to Mastodon, the alternative social media network tries to deal with internet’s Nazi problem head-on. The distributed nature of the network (federation) makes it almost impossible to respond with a single strategy. Instead, individual instances as the nodes of the network are called, have taken different measures. For example....