Seemingly not a day goes by without a major brand claiming that they have included AI into their existing services to optimize their customer experience. Of course, one of the reasons for businesses is simply to cut costs by automating people away, but that’s a story for another article. Today, we focus on the issues...
Author: Martin Treiber
Jony Ive’s Fragmented Legacy: Unreliable, Unrepairable, Beautiful Gadgets – iFixit
Starting with a Steven Jobs quote at at the 1983 International Design Conference on the design of computers If you’ve looked at computers, they look like garbage the article discusses the influence Dieter Rams had on Jony Ive and on the desgin of Apple products of the last two decades. Apple has brought us more...
The ambitious plan to reinvent how websites get their names – MIT Technology Review
Meet handshake, the ambitious plan to change the way Domain Name System works on the Internet. Using blockchain as underlying technology, the goal is to create a decentralized version of a naming system that doesn’t depend on a central authority. While not the first attempt to change the Domain Name Systen, it’s certainly an interesting...
Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose desperate working conditions – The Verge
This disturbing article describes how Facebook content moderators work in extremely poor working conditions. The article focuses on Facebook’s content moderation site in Tampa FL run by Cognizant. Here are the key findings from the article: Run by services firm Cognizant, Facebook’s content moderation site in Tampa, FL, is its lowest-performing site in North America....
Trends, Kosten und Vorteile vone mobilen Shopping Apps
Eine App für Ihr Unternehmen zu haben, ist viel mehr als ein “Nice to Have”. Mit Ihrer Business-App verfügen Sie über einen äusserst effizienten Kommunikationskanal und steigern Ihren Umsatz. Trends Die jüngsten Zahlen von Apptopia zeigen einen starken Trend zum Einkaufen in Apps. Die weltweiten Downloads stiegen 2018 auf 5,70 Milliarden, ein Plus von fast...
Trends, Costs and Benefits of mobile Shopping Apps
Having an App for your business is much more than “nice to have”. Basically, with your business App you engage your customer base and drive your sales. Trends Recent numbers by Apptopia show a strong trend towards shopping apps. Worldwide downloads grew to 5.70 billion in 2018, a plus of nearly 10% over 2017. Android...
Brain Drain: How Your Smartphone Takes a Toll on Your Thinking | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research: Vol 2, No 2
Chance are high that your read these lines on a smartphone. Maybe your were even alerted by a push notification. Researchers Adrian F. Ward, Kristen Duke, Ayelet Gneezy, and Maarten W. Bos invesigated the effects of having the smartphone nearby. The results are striking: the closer your smartphone is, the bigger the effect on your...
Mary Meeker’s Internet Trend Report
Mary Meeker delivered her annual Internet Trend Report. Her 333-page slideshow is an overview of basically every important trend from last year and an outlook for the next year. Some interesting facts: 51% (=3.8 billion) of the world’s population are Internet users 2.4 billion are interactive gamers Smartphones are the primary internet access point Users...
Tesco Go comming?
British chain Tesco is apparently working on developing convenience stores that work similar like Amazon Go: people can just walk in, put items into their bags and leave. Akin to Amazon Go payment happens automatically after they left the store. This was reported by The Telegraph that furthermore claims that Tesco is working with Israeli...
The Geometry of Thought |
Barabara Tversky discusses what she calls geometry of thought in this very intersting EDGE cast: Slowly, the significance of spatial thinking is being recognized, of reasoning with the body acting in space, of reasoning with the world as given, but even more with the things that we create in the world. Babies and other animals...