You may have an amazing idea for a business or product, but you are not sure what step to take next. How can you turn this idea into something tangible. Where do you start? How do you share this idea with the world? This can be a daunting thing and is often the point where...
Category: Business
How to make a good first Impression in Video Conferences
If the pandemics taught us one thing, it is how important effective communication to the sustainability and health of a company is. Great communication is the foundation of a great business presentation. In the past many businesses already communicated online, mostly via email and text messages. Video conferences were possible, but not the norm. All...
How to make a good first impression?
"We judge other people in a nanosecond." After an first impression is formed, it is “very, very hard to change it.”
What are Play to Earn Crypto Games?
Play to earn is a concept in which a player earns crypto tokens by playing a game and can use these tokens to purchase in-game items.
Why use website heatmap?
Quantitative or traditional user analytics tools can only tell you how many people visited your site and how many of them converted, but they don't give any insight into what actually happened between those two steps. Understanding the quality of these interactions is key.
8 classic storytelling techniques to create engaging presentations
Public speakers who are good at taking their audience on a journey leave them feeling motivated and inspired. These eight storytelling techniques will help you create a presentation that is memorable.
Three main trends for Retail in 2022
The rapid transformations that retail has experienced over the past two years have been largely due to technology.
Why are Stories important for your Business?
The ability to tell stories is an important business tool that any business looking to build a lasting and powerful brand should be able to master.
What is a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO)?
A decentralized autonomous organisation, or DAO, refers to a company that is managed in a decentralized way using blockchain-based smart contracts.
6 Best Ways to Get Your First 100 Customers
Now that you have a plan in mind and have started your business, you must be anxious for customers to start pouring in. Getting customers is not as simple as just having the right product or service that fills a gap in the market, it is vital to get your message to the people you are targeting.