It has become very expensive to train modern networks; in fact it has become so expensive, that some companies are choosing not to use AI methods at all. A new research paper by Neil Thompson et. al. argues that it is, or will soon be, impossible to keep increasing computational power at rate needed to...
Category: Technology
AI Ethics Reading | AI
If you want to take a deep dive into AI and ethics, go to AI Ethics Reading | AI for an overview of critical surveys, papers, books from AI experts. It’s definitely worth checking out :-). Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash
Jetzt ist es Zeit für die digitale Transformation Ihres Unternehmens
Jetzt ist es Zeit um die digitale Transformation Ihres Unternehmens zu starten. Wenn uns COVID19 etwas gelehrt hat, dann das, dass Unternehmen einen digitalen Kanal zwingend benötigen, um mit Kunden in Kontakt zu bleiben. Wenn es Ihre Services zulassen, sollten Sie diese auch über einen digitalen Kanal bereitstellen oder ergänzen. Es fängt mit einer einfachen...
Apple and Google are launching a joint COVID-19 tracing tool for iOS and Android | TechCrunch
Apple and Google’s engineering teams have teamed up to create a decentralized contact tracing tool for their respective OSs. It’s goal is to give individuals information whether they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19: All of us at Apple and Google believe there has never been a more important moment to work together to...
Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing, and collusion | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal
Researchers Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari, Vincenzo Denicolò, Sergio Pastorello of the University of Bologna in Italy conducted an experiment where they let loose two simple reinforcement-learning-based pricing algorithms in a controlled environment. They learned that the these two completely autonomous algorithms actually responded to their mutual behavior. Together, they started quickly to pull up the...
PWAs sind das Neue Responsive
Web-Technologie wird ständig weiterentwickelt und die neueste Messlatte für ein gutes Online-Kundenerlebnis ist eine Progressive Web App (PWA). Eine PWA nützt eine Reihe von Webtechnologien, die Benutzern schnelle, app-ähnliche Erlebnisse bieten. Dies führt zu höheren Conversion-Raten und gibt auch einen SEO-Schub. Zum Beispiel verzeichnete Lancôme einen Anstieg des mobilen Umsatzes um 36%; das britische Kaufhaus...
Clearview AI’s Facial Recognition Tech Is Being Used By The Justice Department, ICE, And The FBI
Clearview’s facial recognition AI is not only used by law enforcement; there is a large number of private companies that have Clearview accounts, like Kohl’s and Walmart and banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America. While most of these companies have no formal contracts with Clearview and appear to have used Clearview’s software on...
The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It – The New York Times
How do you feel about the end of privacy on public places? In public transport? When you can identfy every stranger that passes by? When every stranger can indentify you without your knowledge? While this might be still a bit away, the NY Times reports that a start-up called Clearview AI is using a massive...
The case for … ‘dumb’ cities instead of ‘smart’ ones
We’ve participated in SCEWC in Barcelona last year. The amount of technology that is supposed to makes a city smart is staggering. For monitoring ever movement in the city millions of sensors are positioned in cities. Some of them look like from some dystopian future. What’s missing are actuators that physically enforce some desired behavior...
5 things we learned about AI this year – MIT Technology Review Insights
The five main results of studies MIT Technology Review Insights has conducted on AI: Sixty-three percent of businesses in a worldwide survey to the MIT Technology Review Global Panel have a centralized AI plan or are using AI on a case by case basis. Companies are making big AI-driven gains in efficiency and customer satisfaction....