A customer engagement strategy is of paramount importance for your business. There are several key elements that you have to take into account when you develop a customer engagement strategy. 1. Your website and app should define the ideal customer journey This is the first step in your customer engagement strategy. Without it, you would...
Category: Tipp
The IKANGAI Holiday Gift Guide – 30 Gift Ideas for your perfect Present
The holiday season is around the corner. We’ve compiled a gift gide with 30 gifts ideas for you. 1. Cloudstratus On Running’s shoes signature feature are loopy nubs at the soles. They can be found in many configurations on all Swiss brand’s kicks. They provide extra cushion for runners who require it, absorb impacts and...
The Polite Way To Ask Friends And Family For Help Funding Your Business Idea
So you’ve got a million-dollar business idea? That’s great! But there’s still a whole lot of hard work to be done before your initial business concept will indeed start coming to life. A lot of that hard work will be during the initial startup phase of your business, which is when many entrepreneurs struggle to...
The Secrets of Power Words – How to use them to boost your Conversions
We all know the old saying that the pen is more powerful than the sword. It turns out that it is true. A power word, also known as a trigger word, is a word that elicits emotion and prompts a response. It makes people feel the need or desire to respond to what you are...
Best Practises for App Onboarding
It is essential to keep users engaged and attract new customers in order to grow your app. It’s even more important to remain competitive in an ever-growing market. App onboarding is a great technique to ensure the success of your app, regardless of whether you are in the entertainment, Fintech or hospitality space. App onboarding...
What are Core Web Vitals and why they are important?
Google’s recent response to online market trends was the introduction of Core Web Vitals, which is a new set of metrics. Over time, the keys to improving your search engine results page (SERP) ranking have improved. Site owners who want to rank well for relevant searches need to stay on top of Google’s algorithm which...
Your online business won’t skyrocket. Nope. But there is hope.
If you build it, they will come. If you’re running an online business or sell digital services this doesn’t sound like how your business is doing. There won’t be a breakthrough moment when suddenly customers pour in and you’ll have so much requests that you have to decline them. No, sir. The reality is different....
Lessons from AmEx’s Member-Get-Member Program
Member-Get-Member programs are nothing new. Many companies are using it to get new customers by aksing their customers to advertise. In turn, customers get some benefits. AmEx’s Member-Get-Member program kicked off in 2011 as an easy way for members to refer their friends to AmEx in order to get a reward for doing so. However,...
Was ist eine gute Absprungrate?
Die Absprungrate (englisch: Bounce Rate) ist jener Anteil von Besuchern einer Webseite, die die Webseite verlassen, ohne eine weitere Unterseite aufzurufen. Berechnung der Absprungrate Die Absprungrate errechnet sich durch diese Formel: alle Besuche mit nur einem Seitenaufruf dividiert durch alle Besuche der Webseite Eine Absprungsrate von 70% bedeutet, dass 70% aller Besucher der Webseite ohne...
So löschen Sie den Browser Cache
Manchmal bleiben Webseiten einfach hängen und nichts geht mehr. In so einem Fall empfiehlt es sich den Browser-Cache zu löschen. Google Chrome Wenn Sie Google Chrome verwenden, dann drücken Sie die Tasten “Strg” + “Umschalt” + “Entf”. Es öffnet sich ein Fenster wo Sie auswählen können, welche Browserdaten Sie löschen können. Als erstes wählen Sie...