This disturbing article describes how Facebook content moderators work in extremely poor working conditions. The article focuses on Facebook’s content moderation site in Tampa FL run by Cognizant. Here are the key findings from the article:
Run by services firm Cognizant, Facebook’s content moderation site in Tampa, FL, is its lowest-performing site in North America.
Three former Facebook moderators in North America are going on record discussing their working conditions and thus breaking their nondisclosure agreements.
While working for Cognizant in Tampa a Facebook content moderator died at his desk after a heart attack. Senior management initially want to keep this “under wraps” fearing it would hurt productivity.
There are two ongoing sexual harassment cases against coworkers since April in Tampa.
Workers report filthy facilities at Tampa where the office’s only bathroom has repeatedly been found smeared with feces and menstrual blood.
Bodily waste, pubic hair and fingernails at their desks, have been found on worker’s desks.
Verbal and physical fights at the office are common. So are reports of theft.
The Phoenix site has been dealing with an infestation of bed bugs for the past three months.
Facebook says it will conduct an audit of its partner sites and make other changes to promote the well-being of its contractors. It said it would consider making more moderators full-time employees in the future, and hopes to someday provide counseling for moderators after they leave.
Source: Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose desperate working conditions – The Verge